Q: How has the scheme been funded?
A: The Scheme is being funded under the National Development Plan to 2030 which has €1.3 billion committed for flood relief. The OPW is currently providing funding for the initial phases of the project (feasibility and initial design) and will also fund construction works when planning permission has been granted.
Q: What is the purpose of the scheme?
A: The scheme intends to improve the standard of flood protection for Kilkee to protect against the 1% AEP (Annual Exceedance Probability) (1 in 100 year) fluvial (river) flood event.
Q: Will the scheme increase the risk of flooding in other places?
A: No, this will be a key consideration in our design. We will consider the impacts on Kilkee as a whole, rather than focusing on the places that flooded in 2017, to ensure that any works completed as part of this scheme do not increase the flood risk to properties in the area. However, the preferred scheme does involve proposed flood storage in certain agricultural areas.
Q: Am I at risk of flooding?
A: Following on from the Shannon CFRAM study, the flood mapping for Kilkee has been updated and presented at public consultation events. You can review the latest published flood maps for Kilkee here.
Q: Will the scheme resolve the water quality issues in Kilkee?
A: The remit of the scheme, including its primary objective, is to mitigate against potential fluvial (river) flooding in Kilkee. The water quality issues in Kilkee are significant issues that are very difficult to resolve. The Environmental Department of Clare Co. Co. have undertaken wide ranging studies to investigate the sources of pollution which contribute to the water quality issues. However, the design team recognises the importance of trying to improve the water quality, and therefore, measures to mitigate against flooding include nature-based solutions along the watercourses in Kilkee. Interventions like these will help in some way to improve the overall situation.
Q: Can the Victoria and Atlantic stream river outfalls be diverted away from Moore Bay to help improve water quality issues in Kilkee?
A: Alternative gravity outfalls were considered in the early stages of the project development but were not viable. Pumping of all storm flows was not considered technically, economically, environmentally or socially viable.
Q: How can I find out more about the study?
A:We will be keeping this website updated with the latest news and details of forthcoming public consultation events.
Q: Who can help?
A: The OPW provides advice for people whose properties and businesses are at risk of flooding. For more information, and to help you prepare, click here.